Final Logo

I actually really like my finished logo; I feel as if I took all the suggestions given to me into consideration. As I have posted before, the inspiration for my logo was my own last name. After having read the comments on the draft logo I posted, I felt I was given very good advice as to how to improve my logo.

Before I began to improve the assignment, I made a list of the suggestions that were given to me by fellow students. I then decided to start by adding extra colors to the logo, lessening the highlights on the heart, rearrange the two hearts, and adding a drop shadow to the figures.

I kept the heart figures I had made beforehand with the Rectangular and Elliptical Tools, though I did get rid of the two rectangles that framed both hearts. As I looked back to my previous post, I realized that the red colors in the draft logo made distinguishing the heart figures difficult. Adding more colors to the hearts was the next step I took in revising the logo. While I changed the colors, I also got rid of the ‘veins’ that I had placed on the heart because they were to hard to see.

The next thing I did was use the Mesh Tool to add highlights to the three sections of the ‘real’ heart. I did the same with the second heart. My next problem was deciding how to rearrange the two hearts. I had been advised on allowing the second heart to be seen because it had previously been half hidden behind the ‘real’ heart. I decided to place the heart just below the ‘real’ heart. After I did this, I still felt there was something missing, an empty space between the two hearts. This is where I decided to make a Brush that connected the two hearts.

To create the Brush, I made a rectangle with the Rectangle Tool and filled the shape with a slightly orange color. I then created a second rectangle that I colored a light yellow and placed above the first rectangle. My next step was to select both the rectangles and go to Blend> Make. This blended the two rectangles together. I then dragged the shape over to the Brushes window and used that brush to create a linking string between the two hearts. My final step in completing the logo was to add a Drop Shadow, with the Stylize window, to the two hearts.

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